Tracie Jones

Tracie Jones began her mitigation and advocacy work over 30 years ago, working as a group home staff in California for children that had been taken from their parents. After ten years of group home work and returning to school to receive a master’s degree in social work, Tracie worked for a year in the largest mental health facility in the country, also known as the Los Angeles County Jail. From there, she went to the Los Angeles County Public Defender’s Office where she remained for 14 years until her great nieces and nephews lured her to beautiful Colorado. After working as a contractor for both Alternate Defense Counsel and Respondent Parents’ Counsel, Tracie accepted a position on staff with ORPC as the Director of Advocacy and Outreach. Above all, Tracie feels privileged to show up every day and attempt to amplify the voices of those who have been pushed to the margins.