Your Voices: Results from a Statewide Survey to Help Improve Child Welfare in Colorado
During fall 2018, the Colorado Department of Human Services asked young people, parents and caregivers; and foster, adoptive and kinship parents to provide input on their experiences with child welfare. […]
Trauma Caused by Separation of Children from Parents: A Tool to Help Lawyers
This memorandum provides a summary of extensive research detailing the grave consequences that result when a child is separated from his or her parent(s).
Supportive Housing Interventions in CT Found to Decrease Foster Care Placements
Safe, stable housing is critical to family safety, permanency, and well-being. Decades of research demonstrate the benefit of housing subsidies for families living in poverty. Until recently, there was less […]
Finding a Forever Home After Broken Adoptions
Children in foster care are among the most vulnerable youth in the system. At CLC, we know that child placement requires careful oversight to ensure foster children do not end […]
Expecting Better: Improving Health and Rights for Pregnant Women Who Use Drugs
Drug use in pregnancy can lead to serious health risks for both the mother and the fetus, including HIV infection and fatal overdose. At the same time, drug use during […]
Effects of an Interdisciplinary Approach to Parental Representation in Child Welfare
This study utilizes a quasi-experimental propensity score matching design to assess the causal impact on child welfare outcomes when parents facing an abuse or neglect case in the New York City Family […]
Cornerstone Advocacy in the 1st 60 Days: Achieving Safe & Lasting Reunification for Families
“Cornerstone Advocacy” is a promising approach to supporting family reunification that involves intensive advocacy during the first 60 days of a child welfare case. This issue of the Best Practice […]
ABA Indicators of Success for Parent Representation
These indicators are intended to be used to measure the impact of rule, policy, or practice changes on parent representation in a jurisdiction. They represent a continuum from quantitative to […]
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